My Transformative Journey to Enlighten Red Light Therapy Center

The Origin of Enlighten Red Light Therapy Center

If we haven’t had a chance to meet, I am Chris, husband to Jennifer and proud co-owner of Enlighten Red Light Therapy Center. Before opening our center, I was a true skeptic of red-light therapy. However, I couldn’t deny the remarkable results we experienced from red-light therapy. Results, that changed our lives and ignited my passion for this industry. Witnessing the improvements in my wife's mobility and my own transformative journey from skepticism to advocacy has been life altering to say the least.

Personal Journey: Mental Health Improvements

Over the years, I have battled bipolar disorder, PTSD, insomnia, obesity, and chronic pain. Regular red-light therapy sessions have given me the ability to better manage the above-mentioned problems and was the impetus behind a cascade of positive changes in my life. I have overcome my insomnia, have the energy and motivation to maintain a healthier lifestyle, manage my mental health more effectively, and live in significantly less pain. 

At Enlighten Red Light Therapy Center, our mission has remained steadfast over the past five years: to help individuals overcome challenges to their well-being with red-light therapy, ultimately helping people look younger, heal faster, and feel better. Both Jen and I have experienced significant improvements in our own lives using red-light therapy, after overcoming numerous health challenges. We experienced red-light therapy’s many benefits firsthand. So much so, we were inspired to share the life-altering red-light therapy technology; with others who wish to take their wellness into their own hands.

Physical Wellness and Weight Loss Transformation

Red-light therapy was the catalyst for my weight loss journey. When I began, I weighed 360 pounds and led a very sedentary lifestyle. Red-light therapy propelled me into making significant lifestyle changes. I now watch what I eat, for the most part, and maintain a more active lifestyle which includes regular exercise. Incorporating red-light therapy in my regiment was by far the easiest small change I made, yielding benefits even after five years. It transformed my physical wellness and set me on a path to a healthier future me.

Relief from Chronic Pain and Injuries

Over the years, red-light therapy has helped me recover from various injuries and manage chronic pain. It aided in the recovery of my two torn deltoids, eliminated my sciatica pain, and helps me manage my knee pain. I even used it to recover from periodontal surgery. Thanks to red-light therapy, I haven't needed painkillers in years.

Enhanced Quality of Life

With increased energy levels and improved sleep, my overall quality of life has dramatically improved. I can now keep up with the demands of daily life, especially with our full-throttle toddler. The boost in energy and better sleep have made a significant difference in my ability manage my day-to-day responsibilities. 

Surprising Benefits and Growing Advocacy

While the physical benefits of red-light therapy are substantial, the mental health improvements have been the most impactful for me. Initially a skeptic, my perspective changed completely after witnessing my wife's improvements in mobility and pain relief. She transitioned from using a walker or wheelchair to regaining her independence within months. This transformation inspired me to look deeper into the science behind red-light therapy, resulting in my skepticism turning into strong advocacy. Which ultimately, lead to the establishment of our business, Enlighten Red Light Therapy Center.

Advice for Newcomers

For anyone considering red-light therapy, especially for mental health or overall well-being, my advice is to be patient and consistent. The mental health benefits typically become noticeable within a few weeks, without the side effects associated with many medications. Red-light therapy supports your body and mind in repair and rejuvenation, offering a natural and effective alternative to conventional treatments.

The Future Glows Red: A Vision for Enlighten Red Light Therapy Center

Looking ahead, we aim to make red-light therapy more ubiquitous. We strive to be a reliable source of information for consumers, and we will continue to work with our clients to create the most beneficial protocols for their needs. We are committed to continuing our role as goodwill ambassadors of the red-light therapy industry. With the hopes of reducing the noise associated with the modality. As we expand our services and reach, we hope to help more people experience the profound benefits of this therapy.

Come Into the Light: Your Future You, Will Thank You 

At Enlighten Red Light Therapy Center, we are dedicated to helping you achieve transformations like our own. We believe in the potential of red-light therapy to enhance well-being and improve the quality of life. Join us on this journey and discover the remarkable benefits of red-light therapy for yourself. 

Book online or call us at 916-300-0916. Take the first step towards looking younger, healing faster, and feeling better–today!


Discover the Benefits of Red-Light Therapy for Mold Illnesses at Enlighten Red Light Therapy Center


From Pain to Purpose: Jennifer Sharp's Journey and the Birth of Enlighten Red Light Therapy Center