What to Expect from your First Session

At Enlighten Red Light Therapy Center, we believe in providing a personalized and holistic approach to your health. Your first appointment will consist of several key components designed to establish a baseline understanding of your wellness goals and develop a session plan tailored to your specific needs.

1. Consultation

Your visit will begin with an in-depth consultation with one of our experienced red-light therapy technicians, who will be conducting your session. During this time, we'll discuss what brought you in, any current health concerns, and your desired outcomes from using red-light therapy. This open dialogue allows us to gain a fuller understanding of your unique needs and the ability to tailor the session protocol accordingly.

2. Body Composition Analysis

Next, we'll conduct a body composition analysis using our Tanita body composition monitoring device. This non-invasive assessment provides valuable insights into your body's current state, including muscle mass, fat percentage, hydration levels, and metabolic age to name a few. By establishing these baseline measurements, we can effectively track your progress and make the necessary adjustments throughout your red-light therapy journey.

3. 30-Minute Red Light Therapy Session

The zenith of your visit is a 30-minute red light therapy session. You'll relax in the comfortable red glow, on our state-of-the-art mat-based system, which delivers therapeutic red and near-infrared light deep into your tissues. Reaching depths up to two inches in the body through: skin, muscle, fat, blood, and bone. This light stimulates cellular processes, increases blood flow, and promotes healing and rejuvenation throughout your body. Our cutting-edge photobiomodulation (PBM) technology harnesses these benefits, providing a safe and effective treatment that can address a wide range of concerns.

4. 30-Minute Celluma Pro LED Facial

In addition to the full-body red light therapy session, you'll also experience a 30-minute Celluma Pro LED facial. This specialized treatment targets skin health and rejuvenation by utilizing specific wavelengths of light. The facial can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, improve skin texture, and address concerns such as acne and rosacea.

A study published in the Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy found that LED light therapy can effectively stimulate collagen production and improve skin elasticity, leading to a more youthful and radiant complexion.

5. 10 Minutes of Full Body Vibration

To conclude your appointment, you'll enjoy 10 minutes of full-body vibration therapy. This unique treatment enhances muscle activation, improves circulation, and aids in the detoxification process, complementing the benefits of your red-light therapy session.

Research published in the “European Journal of Applied Physiology” suggests that whole-body vibration therapy can positively impact bone density, muscle strength, and overall metabolic health, making it an excellent addition to your wellness regimen. 


Body Composition Analysis Report

